Hi everyone!
How are you all going? Are you having fun with your new way of being at school? I can tell you that I AM NOT! I'm so desperate to get back to school so I can hang out with all the LH's again. I really miss you all but I am so glad that I can still get out to you via this blog.
Did you have a good weekend? I hope you did. Now, before I go on I better let you know the answer to my riddle from my last post. The question was, what goes down but never goes up? Well, the answer was in the theme of the very wet day we were having, it is RAIN! Did you get it? I also wonder if you came up with any riddles of your own. I'd love to hear them.
My highlights from the weekend were going on a wheelie walk (even though it was raining a little), going a bush walk, getting some GREAT cuddles on the couch but my BIGGEST highlight was getting a milk bottle treat (MH puts heaps of treats in the milk bottle and I have to try and rip it open to get to them!) This is another time I wish I had thumbs! You can see it all set up in my photo for today.
The scariest thing that happened on the weekend was when I came across a WALLABY when we were out walking in the bush! What a weird creature with such a long tail, a twitchy nose and just hopping about like that. I'd love to get a sniff of one but I'm way too scared to get close to those frisky things!
Well, I better get going, MH called me a perfect girl before and I'm trying to keep it up!
June xx